Successful Transition to College
Successful Transition to College
Here at Whangaparaoa College we provide a seamless transition moving from primary into year 7. We offer our learners a range of cultural, sporting, music and art opportunities. We encourage learners to aim for the highest level of which they are capable of in both their learning and extra-curricular involvements.
What are we doing to ensure our learners have a successful transition to College?
· Year 7 learners visit their old primary school and talk to the Year 6 classes.
· Year 6 learners get to visit the college for the morning.
· We meet with Year 6 teachers to discuss Year 6 learners.
· Year 6 teachers fill in a transition form for each year 6 learner and let us know learners predicted transition experience.
· A kickstart programme runs for Year 6 learners whose teacher identifies as needing extra support with their transition.
· We focus on careful placement of learners into classes with appropriate teachers.
· A padlet is run for Year 6 learners to ask Year 7 learner’s questions.
· Year 7’s have made a welcome to Whangaparaoa College video for Year 6’s.
· We have a Year 7 information booklet.